Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving

Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving (MOD, Unlimited Money)

Update October 11, 2023 (1 year ago)

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Additional Information

App Name Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving
Size 244 MB
Latest Version v1.16.0
MOD Info Unlimited Money
Price Free
Get it On Google Play
Update October 11, 2023 (1 year ago)

Off The Road OTR Open World Driving is a 3D off-road driving simulation game on android device. Drive trucks and cars off-road and experience the best driving game. Complete challenges in the game and earn rewards. It is an open world driving game with great environment.

Alternate games: FR Legends

Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving

Drive anywhere

It is an open world game where you can drive anywhere you want. Choose your car and explore the world in off road mode. Climb highest mountains and drive over deserts. Drive boats to travel over oceans. You can even fly helicopter to touch the sky ways. Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving


It has great 3D graphics. It has dynamic visual effects and sound effects which make the game more stunning and amazing. Detailing of the world is unique and everything looks perfect in the game. Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving


Complete different challenges in the game and earn rewards. Get coins and cash while completing daily tasks and buy new cars and unlock more items in the game. use off-road driving skills to reach checkpoints in time and complete challenges easily. Upgrade your skills and drive anything. Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving


construction of houses, buildings, roads and vehicles can be possible in this game. Collect material to build and start your construction in the game. Transport material from other sources and then build roads, houses, building and vehicles easily in the game. Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving


It has so many great vehicles such as trucks, off-road vehicles and 4x4 vehicles. Drive 4x4 vehicles in the game and climb over mountains. There are boats, planes, bikes and vehicles which you can drive and fly in the game. Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving


The controls of this game are pretty simple and easy to understand. The control layout is amazing and you can also change the control location and size for better experience in the game. Off The Road - OTR Open World Driving

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Is it totally free game?

Yes, this game is totally free of cost and you can download it from google play store easily. You can also download the Apk and Obb file of this game.

What is the game size?

The size of this game is fairly small and you need 100 MB of free storage in order to download this game in your device. You can easily download this game without any storage issue.

Is there any kind of virus in Apk file?

No, all the files are fully scanned and there is no any type of virus in these Apk files. You can download this game Apk file without any fear and everything is perfect.

4.15 / 5 ( 329 votes )

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  1. Sai
    Sai June 30, 2021 20:05

    Very nice